Readopia is a Chinese eBook reader. It displays Chinese either in vertical columns or horizontal rows.
You can download free eBooks (updb or UTF-8 txt format) from the internet, e.g. Haodoo (好讀網站), SFACG.COM (SF互动传媒网), Project Gutenberg. Then you can read them either in Traditional or Simplified Chinese.
Readopia looks for updb and txt files in your shared downloads, documents and books folders.
- Enjoy thousands of free ebooks from the internet, e.g. Haodoo, SFACG.COM, Project Gutenberg
- Offline access to your locally stored eBooks
- Read books in Traditional or Simplified Chinese
- Display Chinese either in vertical columns or horizontal rows
- Full screen reading with both portrait and landscape modes
- Page turning by tapping, swipe gestures or slider
- Display a footer with book title, chapter and page number
- Display book titles and authors in your book list
- Quick access to table of contents via a swipe-down menu
- Fully customizable including font sizes, spacing, colors and background themes
- Night mode and brightness control
- Multiple font types with proper positioning of Chinese punctuation
- Remember last read book and position automatically
Pro vs Lite
A free lite version with basic functionalities and a pro version are available.
Pro | Lite |
Fully customizable, e.g.
Limited customizations |
Unlimited number of books | Up to 4 books only |
Update History
v1.8.0 (Sep 16 2014)
- Optimized for BlackBerry Passport 1440x1440 resolution.
- Minor UI fix for night mode toggle button
v1.7.0 (Mar 10 2014)
- New layout settings:
- Margins with centered contents
- Display or hide footer
- Revise keyboard for flipping pages: T and Y keys for easier access
- Chapter title is displayed in navigation bar (tap and hold)
v1.6.5 (Jan 29 2014)
- Fixed for 10.2.1. A few Chinese punctuation marks are not centered properly.
- Installed size is reduced from 22M to 9M.
- Keyboard shortcuts are fully supported now. Please refer to Help screen for details (e.g. N, spacebar, P or T).
v1.6.3 (Sep 23 2013)
- Support Z30
v1.6.2 (Sep 4 2013)
- To install more fonts for Readopia, please choose "More..." in font selection.
- Font download links are updated.
v1.6.1 (Jun 25 2013)
- Updates for BB10: Compatible for 10.2
v1.6.0 (Jun 8 2013)
- Updates for BB10:
- SD Card is supported.
- Display book footer in window cover when application is minimized.
- Fixed "Invite others to this app" button not always working.
- In 10.1, part of text is sometimes not displayed in orientation change. Fixed.
- Animation is smoother in orientation change.
- Updates for PlayBook:
- Animation is smoother in orientation change.
- Hide "Invite others to this app" button, as it is only supported in BB10.
- Support BlackBerry 10.1 and Q10
- BB10: Integration with BBM. An "Invite others to this app" button is added in about screen.
- BB10: Fixed Chinese punucation marks position
- BB10: Bigger application icon
- Support BlackBerry 10
- Changed to BlackBerry 10 style user interface.
- Show recently read books.
- Filter out hidden books/files (files which start with a dot character).
- Fixed: previous page is not always restored properly on long paragraphs.
- Facebook like button for telling your friends which book you like
- Added a swipe-down menu item to delete current book
- Book titles are separated from authors in book list
- Misc. styling and text changes in help and book store screen
- Fixed an issue with PlayBook OS that an ebook cannot be opened without an internet connection.
- Support UTF-8 plain text (txt) files.
- Support new bookstores: SFACG.COM, Project Gutenberg
- Support using external custom true-type font (ttf)
- Fixed an extra empty line is inserted occasionally
- Read books in Traditional or Simplified Chinese
- Display Chinese either in vertical columns or in horizontal rows
- Customizable with gorgeous background themes
- Better memory management
- English letters and numbers are now centered properly
- Fixed displaying a blank screen when file access permission is not granted.
- Filename is displayed when title or author name is not yet read.
- A Pro version is now available
- Fully customizable including font sizes, spacing and colors (a pro feature)
- Night mode and brightness control (a pro feature)
- Multiple font types with proper positioning of Chinese punctuation (a pro feature)
- Remember last read book and position automatically
- An improved book list with author names.
- A new help screen
- A quick link to access an external Haodoo book store
- Able to refresh book list without a restart
- Smoother page flippings
- Search updb files in subfolders of documents, books & downloads
- A new navigation bar is available and triggered by a tap and hold
- Support reading an ebook with Chinese filenames.
- Support BlackBerry Bridge Remote Control and Bluetooth Mouse to flip a page
- Display punctuation marks correctly in footer
- Fixed a bug that books with less than 9 chapters or more than 99 chapters cannot be opened.
- When reading a book, you can swipe down a menu to jump back to book list or table of contents quickly.
- In book list, you can swipe down a menu to access the about box.
- A splash screen is added.
- Open books 30% faster.
- Book titles are shown in book list, after they are opened once.
- Book title and chapter position are displayed as page footer.
- A loading indicator is displayed while opening a book.
- Book list can be scrolled more smoothly.
- Initial release
v1.5.1 (May 1 2013)
v1.5.0 (Mar 16 2013)
v1.4.0 (Dec 27 2012)
v1.3.0 (Sep 21 2012)
v1.2.3 (Aug 20 2012)
v1.2.2 (Aug 11 2012)
v1.1.1 (Jun 26 2012)
v1.0.1 (Jun 13 2012)
v1.0.0 (Jun 7 2012)
v0.8.0 (May 9 2012)
v0.7.2 (Apr 30, 2012)
v0.7.1 (Apr 23, 2012)
v0.6.0 (Mar 29, 2012)