您可以从网上下载免费电子书(updb或UTF-8 txt格式),例如: 好读网站(Haodoo), SF互动传媒网(SFACG.COM), Project Gutenberg。 然后用繁体或简体中文阅读。
- 从互联网上享受数以千计的免费电子图书,例如:好读网站,SF互动传媒网,Project Gutenberg
- 离线阅读
- 用繁体或简体中文阅读
- 直排或横行显示文字
- 全屏幕阅读,支援纵向和横向模式
- 支援点击、轻扫和滑动翻页
- 页脚显示书名、章节和页数
- 书籍清单上显示书名和作者
- 下拉菜单快速显示书目
- 自定功能包括字体大小、间距、颜色和背影
- 夜景模式和亮度控制
- 字体选择,并在正确位置显示中文标点符号
- 自动记得上一次阅读的书和位置
Pro | Lite |
有限自定功能 |
无限数量的书籍 | 最多只能4本书 |
Update History
v1.8.0 (Sep 16 2014)
- Optimized for BlackBerry Passport 1440x1440 resolution.
- Minor UI fix for night mode toggle button
v1.7.0 (Mar 10 2014)
- New layout settings:
- Margins with centered contents
- Display or hide footer
- Revise keyboard for flipping pages: T and Y keys for easier access
- Chapter title is displayed in navigation bar (tap and hold)
v1.6.5 (Jan 29 2014)
- Fixed for 10.2.1. A few Chinese punctuation marks are not centered properly.
- Installed size is reduced from 22M to 9M.
- Keyboard shortcuts are fully supported now. Please refer to Help screen for details (e.g. N, spacebar, P or T).
v1.6.3 (Sep 23 2013)
- Support Z30
v1.6.2 (Sep 4 2013)
- To install more fonts for Readopia, please choose "More..." in font selection.
- Font download links are updated.
v1.6.1 (Jun 25 2013)
- Updates for BB10: Compatible for 10.2
v1.6.0 (Jun 8 2013)
- Updates for BB10:
- SD Card is supported.
- Display book footer in window cover when application is minimized.
- Fixed "Invite others to this app" button not always working.
- In 10.1, part of text is sometimes not displayed in orientation change. Fixed.
- Animation is smoother in orientation change.
- Updates for PlayBook:
- Animation is smoother in orientation change.
- Hide "Invite others to this app" button, as it is only supported in BB10.
- Support BlackBerry 10.1 and Q10
- BB10: Integration with BBM. An "Invite others to this app" button is added in about screen.
- BB10: Fixed Chinese punucation marks position
- BB10: Bigger application icon
- Support BlackBerry 10
- Changed to BlackBerry 10 style user interface.
- Show recently read books.
- Filter out hidden books/files (files which start with a dot character).
- Fixed: previous page is not always restored properly on long paragraphs.
- Facebook like button for telling your friends which book you like
- Added a swipe-down menu item to delete current book
- Book titles are separated from authors in book list
- Misc. styling and text changes in help and book store screen
- Fixed an issue with PlayBook OS that an ebook cannot be opened without an internet connection.
- Support UTF-8 plain text (txt) files.
- Support new bookstores: SFACG.COM, Project Gutenberg
- Support using external custom true-type font (ttf)
- Fixed an extra empty line is inserted occasionally
- Read books in Traditional or Simplified Chinese
- Display Chinese either in vertical columns or in horizontal rows
- Customizable with gorgeous background themes
- Better memory management
- English letters and numbers are now centered properly
- Fixed displaying a blank screen when file access permission is not granted.
- Filename is displayed when title or author name is not yet read.
- A Pro version is now available
- Fully customizable including font sizes, spacing and colors (a pro feature)
- Night mode and brightness control (a pro feature)
- Multiple font types with proper positioning of Chinese punctuation (a pro feature)
- Remember last read book and position automatically
- An improved book list with author names.
- A new help screen
- A quick link to access an external Haodoo book store
- Able to refresh book list without a restart
- Smoother page flippings
- Search updb files in subfolders of documents, books & downloads
- A new navigation bar is available and triggered by a tap and hold
- Support reading an ebook with Chinese filenames.
- Support BlackBerry Bridge Remote Control and Bluetooth Mouse to flip a page
- Display punctuation marks correctly in footer
- Fixed a bug that books with less than 9 chapters or more than 99 chapters cannot be opened.
- When reading a book, you can swipe down a menu to jump back to book list or table of contents quickly.
- In book list, you can swipe down a menu to access the about box.
- A splash screen is added.
- Open books 30% faster.
- Book titles are shown in book list, after they are opened once.
- Book title and chapter position are displayed as page footer.
- A loading indicator is displayed while opening a book.
- Book list can be scrolled more smoothly.
- Initial release
v1.5.1 (May 1 2013)
v1.5.0 (Mar 16 2013)
v1.4.0 (Dec 27 2012)
v1.3.0 (Sep 21 2012)
v1.2.3 (Aug 20 2012)
v1.2.2 (Aug 11 2012)
v1.1.1 (Jun 26 2012)
v1.0.1 (Jun 13 2012)
v1.0.0 (Jun 7 2012)
v0.8.0 (May 9 2012)
v0.7.2 (Apr 30, 2012)
v0.7.1 (Apr 23, 2012)
v0.6.0 (Mar 29, 2012)